Saturday, November 28, 2015

Letter to Marie - Merry Christmas from Al - December 20, 1918

December 20, 1918

Dearest Sweetheart:

Just what do you think last night I received the
Pictures, where they were I do not know, they first went to Camp Dix, then to A.P.O 917, Bordeaux! Then to La Mans then to Central Post Office at ? And they were kept there
until they got my order assignment to G.H.Q. so you see I am awfully glad that I am here for now maybe I shall get mail regular and its is a cinch I can write to you real often
Honey dear I just sat last night and looked and looked and longed to be at home with my little family. Gee I did sure love them, everyone of the pictures are good of the babies and one is very good of you, but they are awfully poor of me, in one I look asleep, but never mind I sure am satisfied. I shall have something to look at and
something to love.
Now for some more good news, I also received two letters from you today, one of Oct. 28 and one of Nov. 17 and dearest I sure was awfully glad to get them, there must be about twenty letters or more around France somewhere, but I expect to get them sometime.
Dearest I am awfully sorry to hear about Ann Pederson being sick, I sure hope she is well and strong and that Bud and Constance are well. I haven’t heard from Ben yet but am finding out right now, I will write to him tonight so I can find out when he expects to go home and what he is doing.
I haven’t taken my trip to Germany yet, but expect to any time now and as soon as I come back I shall tell you about it.

Honey dear I haven’t made any plans as yet, but one thing is certain I do not want to stay in the Army as being separated from you after this war is out of the question and if we are going to get anywhere in this world we must be together and I know how much I have lost by being away from you. From a financial standpoint I really am farther behind than when I first went to the border in 1916, so no more for me. I am going to settle down in my own little home to enjoy the
things that I have missed since I left you to go fight for Uncle Sam, are you satisfied? You can look for that little house for April first, as I shall make all efforts to be at home April 1st 1919 and I really think I can arrange it so I can be home that date, will that suit you just about three or four months and I hope to be settled down in a civilian suit and going to work at 8:00 am and coming home at 5:30 PM to stay at home, to sleep at home with my little sweetheart and to help put my babies to bed.

Honey dear I will not make an allotment to you for the reason that it will be two or three months before you will get it from over here, so I will have no trouble from now on.
Honey dear tomorrow I shall write a short letter to Mr Roche, thanking him for all he has done and baby I sure appreciate it and you someday I may get a chance to repay him, also Fred, but I know Fred and Estelle know I thank them.
Well Baby dear since I came here I am getting to be some correspondent, writing about ten letters in a week
Best regards to Mrs Slattery, Austin, also to Mrs. Goffard haven’t seen Joe since I have been in France.
Best love to Fred and Estelle and Mr Roche. Millions of kisses to John, Estelle and Al and to my Baby Sweetheart a boatload of loves, hugs, kisses and all else I have. I have written so much my pen has gone on the bum
Again a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
A.G.O. G.H.Q
A.P.O. 706 A.E.F.?

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