Friday, November 27, 2015

Letter to Marie from New Jersey - September 11, 1918

Camp Dix N.J.
September 11, 1918

Dearest Sweetheart

Did not receive a letter from you today and I suppose I won't hear no more from you until I get across except I hear tomorrow, this will be your last as I will be kept so busy I won't get more chance to write.

May was over today, her and Fred came and brought my suit and they stayed for dinner, they left about a half hour ago, they certainly have been good to me and treated me fair.

Honey dear I haven't any news that I am permitted to tell you.

I sure do love you and want you, the sooner we get over there the sooner we get back.

I will write to you often and let you know how I am.

I sure feel awfully honored to picked and Col. McGee gave me another honor today he made me Quartermaster for the trip. I sure hope I make good. I certainly will try for my babies sake.

Be a good Mama and keep a stiff uppoer lif and I shall come back to you safe and sound.

Give the babies my best love and tell them daddy was asking for them, love to all.

From your loving daddy

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