Thursday, November 26, 2015

Letters to Marie - September 8, 1918

Camp Dix N.J.
September 8, 1918

Dearest Sweetheart:

Haven’t received a letter from you since Sept 4th that was the day of our sixth anniversary. I guess you stopped at that.

I saw Capt Pederson that night and he told me Ann would be in Philadelphia today at 12:30 AM.

Enclosed you will find a money order! For one hundred and twenty five (125.00). I am sorry you had to work so long but dearie I had to wait.

Mary wants you to come to Phila and stay there, she eve said if I hadn’t enough money, she would lend me some, enough to help us out until I get my next month salary, so it is up to you. I am broke, after I paid my bills and sent you this money I just had six dollars left and I don’t know what I will do if I can’t make a loan somewhere.

I have a pass from today until Monday at Reveille (New Jersey), I am going over to May’s, and stay tonight and I am going out and see Annie tomorrow, and see some of my old chums, if there are any left.

Honey dear, I sure wish you were here so we could see each other once in awhile and so we could be together before we go away, which I think will be for real soon and I sure would like to see you before we go away.

Well honey dear I want to get this off this morning so you will get this money by Monday.

Enclosed you will find bill from the St. Paul Dispatch, please pay it for me as I have no money.

Best regards to Fred and Estelle and Mr. Roche.

Millions of kisses to our dolls. Kiss them all for me.

Please write often.

Millions and millions of bushels of love and kisses to my baby Sweetheart.

From your loving Daddy


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